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Disk Jockey


The role of the DJ to create and play a list of music approved by the bride and groom. The key to being a good disk jockey is to play the right music for the attending audience. I have an extensive collection of music from the 40's through today's current hits. I create a customized playlist for each client. Knowledge of the musical tastes of each generation helps me create a customized play lists that will entertain young and old alike.  I will keep the energy level high and the party going strong. You can feel secure knowing the music selection will be  appropriate for your audience and presented in a professional manner.


Karaoke Jockey


Live vocals are always a nice addition to any event. Adding Karaoke to your event provides a perfect opportunity to create a customized reception that includes live vocals.  I have a vast array of Karaoke songs and chances are I already have the song you need. If I do not have the song you want to hear I will buy it. Most of us know someone that sings well. You can invite that person or persons to sing at your wedding or event.


Master of Ceremony


A good MC will be dressed appropriately, engaging, polite, pleasant and he or she will guide the event smoothly from start to finish. I believe one of the most important characteristics of a good MC is to be engaging. I gather as much information as possible about the bride, groom, their parents, the wedding party, friends and family members. Having information such as where they live, what they do, where they are from etc. helps me communicate better with the audience and be more engaged in the event. Good communication with the bride and groom, event coordinator and other vendors is a key role of a good MC.

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